Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Top Five: Favourite Recipe Websites/Blogs

Even though we didn't have pizza tonight (I know, can you believe it?!), I thought I should continue on with the Friday theme.  We are having a (8th!!) birthday party with pizza tomorrow and I didn't want to have pizza 2 days in a row.  I get my food ideas from all over: magazines, cookbooks, food blogs/websites, friends, etc.  These are my top 5 go-to websites when I'm thinking of new additions to our menu:

Savvy Vegetarian

I can honestly say this is my very favourite website for recipes.  The great thing is that it isn't just recipes!  There are a lot of recipes but there is also an advice section, articles, advice, menu ideas, and favourite cookbooks.  It isn't just about food it's about some green living too :)  Check it out, you won't regret it!

Vegan Dad

I love this blog and not just because the author is a fellow Canadian!  He has a lot of "faux-meat" ideas that my husband really likes.  I really like how he talks about how his children enjoy his creations, it helps me decide whether its worth it or not to make it for my kids.

Calico Girl

The newest of my blog obsessions is my friend Shannon's food/life blog.  I haven't tried anything yet but I have big intentions of trying out some of her (hella busy) Thursday recipes for our upcoming road trip.  Not only is she a great cook with some awesome ideas, she is also a super talented photographer.  And I love food pictures!

Canadian Living

Canadian Living has a lot of good vegetarian ideas but it is pretty easy to convert all their recipes to vegetarian.  If you have an account you can save recipes to your own personal recipe box, get help with your menu planning, and track your eating in a food journal.  I also love their kids cooking section!

Best Recipes Ever

The kids love this show and so I am constantly checking this website for recipe ideas - especially dessert recipes!  I like how the most recent episodes' recipes are right on the front page and also that you can watch the videos there too.  It's always nice to see what the meal is supposed to look like even if what you are making rarely turns out the same.  The recipes aren't often vegetarian but they do give you some good ideas for things to make.