Saturday, February 12, 2011

First Post

I've been considering starting a food blog all week.  In anticipation I decided to take a few pictures of our meals from the week.  What a great way to start off!  Please don't judge my picture taking abilities, its the food that counts :)

 Vegan Cinnamon French Toast with Blueberry Compote
 Easy Mixed-Bean Burger with a side salad and steamed asparagus
White Three Cheese and Spinach pizza, Cheese Pizza, and Raw Veggies

So here we go!  I hope this blog works out better than the last few tries, and I hope you enjoy the ride! Up next, tonights dinner...


  1. Yum! Can't wait to see what else you are making these days :)

  2. Are you going to share the recipes?? I'm intrigued by the mixed bean burger!!
    AND, is that Denby Reflex I see?? Neil and I have the exact same dishes!! :)

  3. You'll have to let me know if you try the burgers, Elaine! They are quickly becoming a favourite here.
